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  • 🛒Charting Amazon's Course: Decisions Ahead for Its Cash Reservoir💎🐖

🛒Charting Amazon's Course: Decisions Ahead for Its Cash Reservoir💎🐖

🧭Navigate the Waters of Amazon's Financial Strategy💰

It’s Friday, Bullseye Traders! 

Amazon's ($AMZN) bank account is looking more stacked than a Jenga tower at a billionaire's game night, with last year's cash flow hitting record highs and this year's projection aiming to nearly double, reaching a jaw-dropping $62 billion. By the end of 2024, they might as well start building cash castles because they could be sitting on a cool $100 billion.

Investors, ever the curious cats, are now sitting at the edge of their seats, twiddling their thumbs and pondering: What in Jeff Bezos' name will Amazon do with all that dough? As speculation mounts, the stock rockets to new heights faster than a Prime delivery.

While some tech behemoths are tossing cash into stock buybacks like confetti at a Wall Street wedding, Amazon has been playing it cool for two years. Analysts are eyeing this as a possible move for the e-commerce titan.

But that's not the only rumor swirling in the financial ether. There's chatter that Amazon might finally join the dividend club, taking a cue from the likes of Meta ($META), Microsoft ($MSFT), and Apple ($AAPL). It seems like everyone's getting a slice of the pie these days, and investors are hoping to grab a plate.

While Amazon's spending habits might make Scrooge McDuck blush, they're not just hoarding gold coins. With the FTC breathing down Big Tech's neck, Amazon is doubling down on its investments in artificial intelligence, pledging a whopping $150 billion over the next 15 years to turbocharge its data centers for AI applications and services.

Why the AI obsession, you ask? Well, besides the fact that it's cooler than a polar bear in sunglasses, Amazon believes it'll give its cloud services division a boost. And considering that division accounted for 14% of revenue last quarter, it's no wonder investors are nodding along like bobbleheads on a dashboard.

But hey, it's not all sunshine and rainbows in the cloud kingdom. Despite the cash reserves and AI dreams, Amazon's cloud division is doing some spring cleaning, if you catch my drift. Job cuts are raining down like cats and dogs in a rom-com montage. So while Amazon's pockets might be bulging with cash, they're not afraid to trim the fat where needed.


Levi Strauss, Paramount Global, & Meta

LEVI (+12%): Levi's, the original denim dominator, strutted its stuff with a profit surge, outshining holiday expectations and leaving competitors in a denim daze (CNBC).

HUBS (+5%): HubSpot's stock skyrocketed as rumors swirled about Alphabet's interest in a merger, prompting marketers everywhere to refresh their browsers in anticipation (Reuters).

PARA (-9%): Paramount took a tumble amid whispers of a Skydance merger, triggering a stock nosedive and leaving investors feeling like they just watched a box-office bomb (CNBC).

META (+1%): Meta, formerly known as Facebook, received a bullish boost from Jeffries, projecting a future where Meta's ad dominance is as ubiquitous as memes on the internet (The Motley Fool).

SQ (-6%): Block, feeling the heat from competitors, found its stock in a downward spiral after Morgan Stanley gave it the dreaded "underweight" label, leaving shareholders feeling like they'd been blocked from a winning streak (Investing.com).

STREET SCOOPS: The Buzz Around Town

CNBC: Neel Kashkari ponders if the central bank should play the rate-cutting game while inflation stubbornly holds its ground.

MW: Goldman Sachs declares that S&P 500 stocks have crashed the "Magnificent Seven" party, settling in the land of overvaluation.

Bloomberg: Brace yourselves! US federal debt is sprinting from 97% of GDP last year to a whopping 116% by 2034, surpassing even the highs of WW2.

Bloomberg: Ken Griffin of Citadel hits the panic button, warning of lackluster economic growth, fueled by the ballooning US national debt—an issue too big to sweep under the rug.

Barron’s: Cathie Wood, unwavering as ever, insists Tesla stock is a gem at $2,000 a pop, holding onto her price prediction tighter than a SpaceX rocket on its way to Mars.

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